Postulates and Principles


Postulates of Cafh

Cafh has the following postulates as its basis:

The fundamental principle of the universe –God– transcends our present understanding.

Because we have consciousness –the intelligent perception of ourselves and our sphere of action– and will –the capacity to set objectives for ourselves and fulfill them– human beings have countless possibilities.

As members of Cafh we maintain that spiritual unfolding is our fundamental work and that through our spiritual unfolding, we develop the ability to understand ourselves and to comprehend our relationship with life, the world and the Divine. As members of Cafh we maintain that we participate with society by applying what we learn in a productive way. This is also the way we find peace and happiness for ourselves and help to generate peace and progress for humankind.


Spiritual vocation is what we call the application of our will to our spiritual unfolding.

Cafh offers us a path of unfolding applicable by everyone, making it possible for us to fulfill our possibilities according to our will and characteristics. We do not adhere to dogmas that would limit us nor do we subject ourselves to charismatic or any other personalities, because we give priority to responsibility and the individual capacity to learn.

We are careful not to mistake a hierarchy of functions with the superiority of some individuals over others. For this reason, as members of Cafh do not refer to ourselves as Masters and disciples. The quest for the Divine is individual; those of us who embark on this quest consider ourselves companions on the road.

Fundamental principles of Cafh

As human beings we have the right to think, feel and make decisions about our life without the interference of others.

This right to freedom is basic to human unfolding and gives us countless possibilities. Among these possibilities is that of making commitments to ourselves, to others and to God. Once we make commitments, the exercise of freedom consists in our capacity to fulfill those commitments faithfully.

The right to freedom implies responsibility in exercising it. The development of responsibility as we exercise our freedom is what leads to peace and happiness.


The aim of Cafh’s Teaching is to help us expand our consciousness through a continuously renewed interpretation of life and the world. The expansion of consciousness develops our sense of responsibility. Renouncement forms the foundation of the Teaching of Cafh. The Teaching defines renouncement as presence, participation and reversibility.


In relation to the notion of being: consciousness of the divine in ourselves and of ourselves in the world and life. In relation to the doing: we stimulate the unfolding of society by beginning to produce in ourselves the changes we would like to see in others and in society.

This leads us to:

• Participation
With the universal context, by the expansion of our consciousness. With the human context –all human beings – by the development of an open-minded attitude, permeable to the message of life. This implies:

• Reversibility

In the harmony between opposites: being able to be fully present in the here and now, while remaining conscious of the eternal present. The particular and the general, the individual and the collective, myself and humankind, are two sides of one and the same reality. To achieve reversibility is to settle our consciousness upon reality, recognizing the validity of all its expressions.

In relation to personal problems: placing them in the context of other people’ problems and of general problems. This leads us to understand the illusion of looking for a particular happiness, separated from the environment where we live.

The acceptance of the limitation of our understanding and the will to develop the understanding of ourselves, life and the world are the firm bases of our path of unfolding. With these postulates and principles, Cafh promotes our spiritual unfolding.