Is it possible to observe ourselves?


Have you had a moment when you are "beside yourself?"  Not the one in which emotions are in control, but one in which a profound observation and awareness of "yourself" takes place? This consciousness is often called self-observation. We pay attention to emotions, thoughts, behaviors, and sensations of our experiences. We are aware and conscious. We need to practice and learn from our experiences to expand and unfold our lives.  There are many suggested reasons for the need for self-observation; it is a skill that can be learned and practiced. 

I will share a method practiced in Cafh to observe oneself at the end of the day. It is called a "retrospective examination." The retrospective examination is done at the end of the day, lying or sitting down right before bedtime. One rewinds the day like a movie played backward as quickly as possible (should take 2-4 minutes), without judging right, wrong, good, bad, or any tacky emotions of guilt, etc. It is a clean run; you observe yourself getting ready for bed, eating dinner, working, whatever your day entailed, only running backward and quickly. You are observing the day's experiences. Don't linger; observe yourself, almost as if you are standing beside yourself as this tape runs. 

Retrospection examination is also a valuable tool for this season of renewal. The season brings hope of changing habits, learning new things, and welcoming a fresh outlook on life. 


The Dialogue 

Participants came from Spain, Brazil, Argentina, Copenhagen, Mexico, and the United States: Texas, Ohio, California, New York, Georgia, and Washington, D.C.


AI Summary: The summary presented is edited by human eyes and hands. While we attempt to reveal some of the nuances of dialogue, one cannot capture the connection between thoughts and the inner process that takes place. We welcome participants! 


The dialogue focused on the importance of self-observation and its potential impact on personal growth. Various perspectives were shared on how to pay attention and the role of language and cultural influences. The concept of self-reflection and empathy in communication allows the potential for self-observation, leading to a shift in perspective and a more collective understanding of oneself. 



Exploring Self-Observation and Personal Growth

The team discussed the possibility and importance of self-observation, sharing various perspectives. Kosta emphasized the different ways to pay attention and the importance of profound observation for personal development. Manuel highlighted the need to acknowledge there are parts of oneself that are not known and may never be. Bill discussed the challenge of observing oneself and the potential for self-improvement through this practice. Arun pondered the role of language and cultural influences on self-observation. Do different cultures see "self-observation" as more individual and self-absorbed? David suggested that self-observation requires practice and repetition. Carlos shared his experience of managing the space before expressing something. Is the response one is making reactive and unnecessary? Luis emphasized the importance of consciousness and observing thoughts without judgment. Libbie suggested that self-observation can lead to deeper learning and a sense of liberation as one sees how to respond. Bill added that even a small amount of self-awareness can be beneficial. Arun focused on the feeling of connection to the universe that might facilitate self-observation as one notes the smallness of self.


Self-Reflection and Empathy in Communication

Jeanne shared the importance of self-reflection and empathy in communication, using an example of how she changed her approach to a frustrating situation. Carlos emphasized the need for self-awareness and control in conversations, suggesting that observing oneself can help avoid comments and emotions that have long-term relationship consequences. Irene agreed, highlighting the importance of learning from one's actions and not judging oneself too harshly. Understanding oneself means removing judgment and working to learn from situations. This understanding is essential for personal growth and effective communication.


Exploring Self-Observation for Personal Growth

The concept of self-observation has a direct impact on personal growth. Manuel suggested that self-observation could shift perspective, moving away from self-absorption and towards a more collective understanding of oneself. Sandra shared her experience of stepping outside of her life and observing it from a different perspective, which she found to be a surreal and enlightening experience. Libbie mentioned observing the inner vibration connecting and nonresistant to life and learning. It is finer and higher than the physical body, which is dense and separate. The vibration of connection is felt, like a flow of energy that resonates in all life. Rosario shared a dream experience where she observed herself on three different levels (the observer, the observed, and the observer of the observed), leading her to practice self-observation daily. Self-observation is a valuable tool for personal growth and understanding.


Self-Observation and Personal Growth Discussion

In the dialogue, the participants discussed the importance of self-observation and its impact on personal growth. They shared personal experiences and insights, with Rosario recounting a memorable acting performance and Jeanne reflecting on the effects of others' opinions on her self-perception. The group also discussed the role of technology, such as Zoom, in enhancing self-awareness. 


Winter Solstice and Pure Acting

Rosario shared a video about the winter solstice in Mexico, explaining how the sun's position changes on this day. (1)


Exploring Connections and Consciousness

In the meeting, Libbie expressed gratitude for everyone's presence and the connections made during the year. Rosario (a native Spanish speaker)  shared her experience of feeling connected during the Sunday sessions despite initial difficulties with understanding different accents and English. Luis and Arun also shared their experiences and thoughts on the connections made during the year. The group discussed the importance of deep attention and the potential for exploring the nature of consciousness.


1 Rosario shared the winter solstice at Popocatepetl Mountain.

Thoughts to consider 

·       Retrospective of My Day by Carolyn Cooper

Another exercise is called the retrospective examination.. We do this exercise just before going to sleep, and it helps us to see ourselves clearly and honestly as we review the events of our day. Performing this exercise allows us to discern the details of what we have to work on in ourselves to bring our life closer to our spiritual ideal.



  • Nine Things You Don't Know About Yourself by Steve Ayan


  • Consciously Observing Thoughts by Louise Kay


  • How to Practice Self-Observation by Eckhart Tolle Youtube 13 min