If each human being has a unique creative potential and life experience, why is it so difficult to take advantage of this potential and work together to solve problems and search for the advancement of our present-day society?
Even in a simple conversation, why is it so difficult for others to listen to us and really understand our ideas, experience and view of the world?
And why is it so difficult for us to listen to and understand our interlocutor?
For the last decades, the members of Cafh have been developing an experience in themselves with the objective of finding a deep and effective answer to such questions. This experience, carried out mainly in reunions and retreats, is the practice of the technique of Dialogue.
The exercise of Dialogue leads the practitioner to discover how to employ a language that avoids closed positions, so as to be able to share meanings and reach new understandings that were unavailable before the practice of Dialogue.
It is surprising to see how one can always keep on learning and how this attitude generates an interest in the experience of other people and in life, instead of insisting in clinging to defensive and stiff positions that shut ourselves away and make us more and more inflexible and intolerant.
On the basis of the spiritual practice of silence and the bibliographical reference provided by the comprehensive study carried out by David Bohm, the practice of the technique of Dialogue shows us the freedom to go on learning together, with enthusiasm and confidence in ourselves and the others.